Josephite School Culture
Friday March 28
in Bethany at the Mary MacKillop Precinct
4 High Street, Kensington
Presented by Paul Murphy & Mary Ryan rsj
To have a “Josephite heart” means to bring God’s love, healing and hope where loving kindness and compassion are needed.
Presented by Paul Murphy & Mary Ryan rsj, this is a day for those seeking to develop or further nurture their “Josephite heart” with a focus on their current context.
Participants will:
*clarify their understanding of school culture
* name their school’s cultural symbols and their meaning
* clarify the values they work from, in their role and school
* identify companionship as a key Josephite practice and its application
* begin creating a model for the teaching of “Josephite culture” for their students
This day is suitable for all who work in schools, particularly those new to teaching, or new to a school established in the Josephite tradition. It is also suitable for those who would like to develop their “Josephite heart” within the context of their own school environment.
Cost: $180 ex. gst includes Morning Tea & Lunch
This program has been granted SAM by CESA on completion of a 1500 word reflection paper.
Registration: Strictly by 12noon Friday March 14 through TRYBOOKING
Inquiries: 8130 5916 or email