Educational Excursions

Mary MacKillop Museum offers rich learning opportunities, with high levels of engagement for students and teachers alike.

Planning a Visit
We love planning excursions! Our experienced educators are here to support you in planning an excursion that is tailor made to your class’s needs. Learning intentions will be discussed, and suggestions made regarding engaging activities that meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum. Call to customise your class excursion today. Phone: 8130 5910.

School/Class Visits

Museum Admission Fee
Students $7
Accompanying Adults Free
Teachers Free

Suggested Visit Times for Excursions
Primary students: 45-60 minutes. Secondary students may appreciate a longer time.

Teacher Resources
Our range of curated Educational Resources to support teachers, includes printable materials, links to stories, podcasts and You Tube clips.

Recess and Lunch Facilities
While food and drink are not permitted in the Museum, students and teachers are welcome to enjoy recess or lunch in other areas of Mary MacKillop Precinct. Arrangements can be made when making an excursion booking.

Disabled Access
With its ramps and fully compliant toilet facilities, Mary MacKillop Precinct is a place that welcomes and cares for visitors of all abilities.

The Staff and Volunteers of Mary MacKillop Precinct are committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults,
and to providing a safe environment for all.