Notice God’s Presence Amidst Arrays of Ways to Pray
Saturday April 5
in Bethany at the Mary MacKillop Precinct
4 High Street, Kensington
Presented by Lillian VanBrussel
Listen with your whole self as you engage with different ways to pray and notice Presence in the ordinary everyday.
As modern-day disciples you are invited to rest your souls, relax & become aware of PRESENCE. A time to clear a space for God’s action. We don’t know what God has in store for us but are we willing to take a risk & find out?
You will be guided through prayerful experiences, reflection, scripture, music, time to create, prayer through creative expression…time to engage your playful, joyful, creative hearts & time with nature in the beautiful surroundings of the Precinct.
You will be invited to:
- Reflect on your relationship with your God & notice Presence in your everyday life & community as you engage with prayerful experiences
- Take time for solitude, silence, rest, deep listening & responding to the whisperings of God; PRESENCE deep within your inner heart & soul
- Take time to be surprised by God as you notice Presence through different ways to pray.
A take home booklet is included.
Cost: $180 ex. gst or $198 inc. tax includes Morning Tea & Lunch
This program has been granted SAM by CESA on completion of a 1500 word reflection paper.
Registration: Strictly by 12noon Friday March 28 through TRYBOOKING
Inquiries: 8130 5916 or email